In 2013-2016, CauseACTION took on the Facebook’s complete and indefensible failure to prevent pedophiles from using Facebook as their “goto” website to swap what was clearly criminal content – both images and video. Facebook was the Wunderkind company with friends in high places. Even the FBI could not always get them to cooperate in helping criminal prosecutions.

With over 1.3 million petition signers and 10’s of thousands of personal testimonies sent to us by victims most often decades after their abuse, our visits to Capitol Hill, it wasn’t until we exposed Facebook in the national press, that they finally got serious about dealing with it.

But guess what? Social media is still rife with sexual abusers, sex-trafficking promotion and worse. At the core of it all across social media, anyone can establish a fake persona and pretend or hide who they really are. Fake “profiles” predates “fake news” by years.

So know this about this HurtGurlHurtBoi Petition – We are painfully aware ourselves of the emotional ravages of sexual abuse at both first and second-hand level. We are keenly aware of the pain and we have always done our best to never re-abuse the victims who confided in us. This Petition goes nowhere to anybody until we think we can use it to affect positive change and if and when we do use it we will tell you in advance and you will have the opportunity to tell us you want to take your name off of it.

When you do sign it, we will also use it to point you to a Resources page with the links of qualified, committed Organizations who can help you or others deal with the emotional and physical trauma.

One of the first places we will use it, will be in our effort to see that each State change and extend the age and circumstances under which a victim can come forward to law enforcement in order to file a criminal Complaint of abuse. It is clear from so much recent news that State Statute of Limitations are nothing short of insane in many cases. As a result, abusers continue to abuse and the damage

Please consider signing the HurtGurlHurtBoi Petition here. More to follow soon.