I know many of you may have seen this video but perhaps some of you have not. If you have seen it, then if you don’t mind, just watch over my shoulder, with me, OK?
As a Prolife and Adoptive Dad it makes me smile and cry.
Why cry?
Well, for joy, for sure but as I recovered from a bit of the flu, I also caught up with some of the news.
What is it that leads Senator Chuck Schumer, the latest carny for the Culture of Death Left to be so vicious and vitriolic towards these Innocents?
The question is rhetorical, of course.
Maybe it takes a little adopted child from China, where they butcher babies on a regular basis, to explain to some, how “her heart fell in love”. Maybe they can change their hearts, as well?
One can and must hope!
I’m going back to bed now. Tomorrow is a new day and there is much work to be done.