As I write this, I am frankly annoyed that I even have to qualify Ms. Owens as being an “African-American”. She is simply a clear-minded, logical-thinking American who, like many others is the victim of the (not so new) Liberal Left, who gets her chance to speak to those who would just as soon that she shut her mouth. Nope. Not going to happen. Not this Lady.

… and watch their faces, especially Representative Ted Lieu and Jerry Nadler. Can someone say “deer in the headlights, I just got caught” being “unbelievably dishonest”. Ahh, yeah.

They’ve done this kind of thing for so long and gotten away with it that you can almost see the wheels in turning in their heads. But then nothing but the finger-play pontification and the “serious”, try to keep the “who me” look on their faces, like the one I tried to show Sister Mary Denise when I was passing a note to my 7th Grade crush, Mary Agnes… except I was 11 years old and these are allegedly grown men who are running the show in DC.


Your friendly, French, English, Jewish, Saxon, Normand, Canadian Native American and Lord-knows-who cares, 100% American guy.