Last year in the midst of certain scrutiny, Facebook decided to withdraw the ability of many 3rd party application integrations.

Hey, it’s their business and while we had our differences years ago over the matter of active pedophiles on Facebook, that was then and this is now. We are after all committed to free enterprise and American ingenuity.

That said, losing easy access to Facebook so that you might easily post your thought and opinions directly on your Representatives (State Federal and even Local) was a loss.

While you still can get to those Official Pages, let’s just say that for reasons only Facebook knows, it isn’t the easiest thing to find. That’s why we created this post and link, so that you can find these important Pages.

So, please go ahead and post on your Congressperson or Senator’s Official Page from here. As always, be respectful.

That said, let me warn you. No one can say how much impact these posts will really have. Should you navigate over to “Facebook Townhall” and enter your information be prepared. Even if you do not post any comment at all, you will get an email from your Representatives where they will thank you profusely for your “comments” (which you may never even have made) and you will get all the “fish of the day” talking points in that same email.

On the other hand, we know from our first-hand conversations with Chiefs of Staff and other Staffers on The Hill, do take note when Facebook traffic to their bosses increases. So, give it a try.
