One of those guys that I can’t help but admire. Denzel Washington is a man “in this world but not of this world”… in a world that we all know from the news is a swamp.
Father, friend, serial entrepreneur and raconteur, like my father before me. Flawed, saved and opinionated... but I always try to be respectful.
I am occasionally, smarter than the average bear but can be obtuse and as dumb as a box of rocks. My Bride of 45 years (Debbie) and the passionate, talented people who have persisted with me over these decades, understand that I can sometimes be a legend in my own mind.
All good. Together, we make stuff happen. Passion, sweat and yes, tears... but always our very best effort.
Visit with me on my LinkedIn Profile at or call me (anytime) at 860.857.9000.